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Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend Recap

So over the weekend the team headed down to the Hartford Marathon.  It was a pretty amazing experience and very exciting to have that many people in our "backyard".  We got the opportunity to see the winner cross the finish line and got to hang out with alot of cool people.  Some of us won t-shirts and water bottles, we all wanted free massage's but they were for runners only and that definitely wasn't us.  I'm always impressed with people that are able to run a marathon the dedication and training it takes to push yourself that hard is truly remarkable. 
The other thing that really impressed me was the team.  Last Monday I walked in and they told me they had decided we were going to go down to the marathon on Saturday.  I couldn't have been prouder of their initiative and drive.  It makes me know we will grow our success here exponentially and quickly. What was also great was that I felt we are continuing to make our presence here in Hartford felt.  Spreading the public awareness and having people approach us and talk about the UNHCR and their experiences with them is always amazing.  There are so many great stories out there.  Well we are definitely looking forward to a strong week and we can feel the momentum building!!!

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