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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Business Partners

A friendship may not survive a partnership. Keep in mind John D. Rockefeller's famous words: "A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship."

One of the most exciting aspects of our business is that as we grow and develop we form these business partnerships.  The best part about the business partners that we do develop is that we do get the chance to gain a friend in the process.

We have gotten off to our best week ever and I couldn't be more excited or more proud to watch these people develop both personally and professionally.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Steve Jobs Quote

Just wanted to share my favorite Steve Jobs quote.

"The only way to be truly satisfied is to do great work.  The only way to do great work is to love what you do.  The only way to love what you do is to be passionate about it"  - Steve Jobs

I love the fact that here at Pan Global we are passionate about what we do, love and have been doing great work!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A very sensitive issue

At this point everyone has heard of what happened at Penn State.  The article here from INC.com raises some really good questions as to what would your employees do in business situations. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Website

The official website is up.  After a lot of hard work and effort it is done being under construction and we are now online.  Check it out at http://www.panglobalconsulting.com/

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Going Global

I love to think about expansion.  While for us going truly global may not happen this year or the next.  We will certainly be expanding to new markets in the US in the next 6-10 months.  I'm still holding on to the dream of running an office in Singapore #4 on the list.

The other top three choices could be a lot of fun too.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Goal Setting

Goal setting is something that we teach from day one.  In fact it's one of the first things someone learns when they first step in to the office.  How can you be successful if you have no way of measuring that success.  This is a great article on goal setting and it's great to see system's that we use and teach re-enforced in other arenas.  Check out the article here.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breaking News

After 42 years the end of a regime has finally come.  Read the article here.  It will be really interesting to see how this country starts recovering.  Hopefully we can raise alot of support to get them back up and on their feet as quickly as possible.  Sadly situations such as this can't be fixed overnight.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

World Population

Just found a really interesting article on world population.  A UN study says we will be hitting the 7 Billion mark this year. 

 Take a look at it here.

Seriously makes you think about our current resources and how we can best preserve them.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekend Recap

So over the weekend the team headed down to the Hartford Marathon.  It was a pretty amazing experience and very exciting to have that many people in our "backyard".  We got the opportunity to see the winner cross the finish line and got to hang out with alot of cool people.  Some of us won t-shirts and water bottles, we all wanted free massage's but they were for runners only and that definitely wasn't us.  I'm always impressed with people that are able to run a marathon the dedication and training it takes to push yourself that hard is truly remarkable. 
The other thing that really impressed me was the team.  Last Monday I walked in and they told me they had decided we were going to go down to the marathon on Saturday.  I couldn't have been prouder of their initiative and drive.  It makes me know we will grow our success here exponentially and quickly. What was also great was that I felt we are continuing to make our presence here in Hartford felt.  Spreading the public awareness and having people approach us and talk about the UNHCR and their experiences with them is always amazing.  There are so many great stories out there.  Well we are definitely looking forward to a strong week and we can feel the momentum building!!!